New Content under "Forms" section
The school sports physical form can also be printed and taken to your doctor's office when getting sports physicals. We need all four (4) pages returned to the school office. These can be turned in at any time now and the first few days of school. Remember that all students entering Kindergarten and 7th grade must have a physical examination as well as students who are participating in any sports activities.
Friend Public School encourages all students to ride to and from athletic contests and other activities with their respective team/group/organization.
But we realize there are certain circumstances where it is not possible. There are forms in the front office if a parent wishes to take their child(ren) with them which need to be filled out, signed and given to the coach or sponsor.
This form is also online and can be printed off as well. Look under the "Forms" tab and click on the Parental Release for Student Transportation form.