Congratulations to Amy Kohtz on being named an Honoree for the 2025 Nebraska's Outstanding Ag Teacher of the Year/Golden Owl Award!
Computer Science Summer Camp
Juniors and Sophomores -- if you have any interest in computers, the Raikes Computer Science Summer Camp is an exceptional opportunity and would open the door for you in terms of college and career opportunities. . . .
EMF Letter Jackets
For those interested in order an EMF letter jacket please find the form attached! They can be ordered at any time and the turn around processing time is around 7-8 weeks. For sizing and other related questions please . . .
EMF Fan Gear Store is OPEN!!
EMF Fan Gear Store is OPEN!! Follow the link below to order your gear now!! GO BOBCATS!
2024-2025 Booster Calendar
Stop by the FPS front office during business hours to pick up your complimentary wallet calendar or pocket schedules for 2024-2025!!
Download the FPS App!
Download the Friend Public School App for Android or iPhone users It is your one stop shop for all FPS information!!
EMF Gear Store Open
Shop all your EMF gear!!
From the Office
Friendly Reminder **Please use 402-947-2781 when calling the school** Don’t forget to empty your voicemail so when a school blackboard is activated or your child is sick and we are trying to reach you, we can leave . . .
If your school-age children (Grades K-12) were enrolled in school on May 19, 2022, AND were approved for Free or Reduced meals for May 2022, you will be eligible for a “2022 Summer P-EBT . . .
2022 Elementary & Secondary Holiday Concerts
View the 2022 Elementary Holiday Concert on the link below: View the 2022 Secondary Holiday Concert on the link below:
The Bulldog Boutique is a place where ALL Friend Public School students can find new or gently used clothing and personal questions asked and free of charge! Staff members are encouraged to let the school counselor . . .
Friend Look Book 2021-2022
FRIEND CREATIVE WRITING CLASS LOOK BOOK, 2021-2022 Click here to see a PDF of the Friend Creative Writing Class Look Book for 2021-2022, which collects all the creative writing high school students did this year, . . .
From the Office
Friendly Reminder Don’t forget to empty your voicemail so that when a school blackboard is activated or your child is sick and we are trying to reach you, we can leave a message for you to access. . . .
JH and JV Football Games Moved
Due to technical difficulties with the scoreboard in Friend, the EMF JH and JV games on Monday have been moved to Milligan. Same times.
Bark Annual Report
Parents -- do you wonder what it's like for kids to grow up on the internet today? Take a look at this article that explores what social media users of all ages are exposed to on popular sites/apps like TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat. . . .
Optional Student Accident Insurance 21-22 Year
The School District does not provide any type of health or accident insurance for injuries incurred by your child at school. We encourage all families to have accident coverage on their children, prior to participation in any interscholastic . . .
School Meals at No Charge for All Students
Friend Public School School Meals at No Charge for All Students Effective for School Year 2021-22, Friend Public School will serve meals at no charge to enrolled students. The U.S. Department of . . .
Elementary and 7-12 Holiday Concerts 2020
Watch the concert on Striv!! Follow this Link to view it!
Parents of Seniors
Parents of seniors -- do you have questions about how to help your child complete the FAFSA? Take a look at this six-part video series that will walk you through the entire application! The FAFSA Demo
Pawsitive Referral Wall
There are always a LOT of "Pawsitive" things happening at Friend Public School! Check out our Pawsitive Referral Wall, and it is only the end of October!!!
USDA Extends FREE Meals for Kids
FPS was just notified by NDE that funding for the Summer Foods Program is in place for the duration of the 2020-21 school year. This means that students will be offered free meals for the . . .
Juniors and Senior Parents/Students
Is your child or a junior or senior in high school? Are they considering college? Do you know how they (or you) will pay for it? Take a look at EducationQuest's current newsletter for answers to those questions and . . .
More Resources for Families
Fred Rogers Productions will post a new activity, recipe or craft each day on multiple social media sites. Click on the above link to learn more and to access lots of virtual . . .
One Week of Wellness
One Week of Wellness & Activities Recipes Recipe cards to print Healthy Day Checklist 8 Tips to Stay Hydrated Quick, Healthy Breakfast Bites Quick . . .
Community Spirit Activities
Some great ideas to keep bodies and minds active whilst lifting community spirit! This site includes activities for various age groups, as well as individual and family activities! There are several ideas that touch . . .
Activities Committee Report with E-M Committee
Click here to read report from the joint meeting with the Activities Committee members from the Friend Board of Education and members from Exeter-Milligan Activities Committee that met on March 1, 2020 to discuss the possible . . .
Professional Athletes 2 minute routines
Join professional athletes for some 2 minute routines that are sure to boost your heart rate and energy levels! Alliance for a Healthier Generation shares Fitness Breaks powered by the Wasserman Foundation… . . .
Nutrition and Healthy Habits for our Elementary Students (and their families)
For older elementary students: A little something for younger elementary students: . . .
Fun Family Workouts
A couple of fun family workouts that require no equipment! Perfect to get those wiggles out when outdoor activities may not be possible! We would love to see some pics of your family staying fit -- post some activity . . .
Parent Guide to Healthy Conversations During the Coronavirus Outbreak
Here is a helpful website for talking with kids of all ages:
A great opportunity for teens & families World Walking invites you to find fun in fitness and reap the benefits of a healthier, active lifestyle. There many upshots to getting up and about, like reducing your risk of heart . . .
Blood Donations Still Needed During COVID-19 Pandemic
Click here to read more about blood donations during this time:
Healthy Activities/Recipes for Families from USDA/MyPlate . . .
Hy-Vee is offering KidsFit club! Great family activities focussed on health and positivity!
5-WEEK CHALLENGE INFORMATION Hy-Vee KidsFit ® is a fun, at-home program designed for kids and families to help promote health, exercise and nutrition as a priority in our daily lives. This program is designed to . . .
Myth Busters about COVID-19
Here are some Myth Busters about COVID-19 from the World Health Organization: Myth Busters
Guidelines for Cleaning & Household Chores
There are so many questions when dealing with COVID-19. Here are some guidelines from the CDC on housecleaning and household chores. How to Clean and Disinfect . . .
Health & Wellness during COVID-19
From the School Nurse: These are good sites for videos and interactive games for younger elementary students and families during this time at home: / . . .
Resources for Families & Educators During School Closures
During this stressful time for students, parents, and educators, here are some resources to help young people learn the social-emotional skills they need to get through challenging events. If you have questions about . . .
Having Discussions with Children about the COVID19 virus
Concern over the COVID-19 virus can make children and families feel anxious. It is important to acknowledge some level of concern, without panicking, as well as to talk with your children using accurate information . . .
COVID19 Information and Resources
Here are some helpful resources and information about the COVID19 virus: Helping Children Cope Health Alert Notice Link to CDC website
FCCLA members earn gold medals at STAR
Members of the Friend FCCLA Chapter traveled to Seward for District II STAR Competition on Friday, January 24th. Competing in the Nebraska Event, Family Challenges and Issues were Shelby Steyer and . . .
Manufacturing Class news
Chuck Parks from Tuttle Inc. demonstrates tig welding aluminum to Friend Public School Manufacturing Class. Pictured left to right Nate Schafer, Mr Hitchcock, Cole Holman, . . .
Tips for Parents - TikTok app
In an effort to help parents & guardians navigate the ever-changing technology and social media our students encounter, we will periodically share tips and information. Today you can learn about the popular app . . .
Jr. High Quiz Bowl
The Friend 8th grade quiz bowl team finished 2nd at the Thayer Central Quiz Bowl Competition Monday night in Hebron. Fifteen teams competed in this event. Congratulations to Kiarra Fennell, . . .

NHS/Red Cross Blood Drive
Little Aiden Keckeisen was born with a heart condition known as atrioventricular septal defect. He had a difficult time gaining weight, and he struggled to breathe due to excess blood flow to his lungs. . . .

Student Council Update
The Bulldogs are back in the routine of school and Homecoming is just around the corner! Homecoming week is September 24th to September 28th. This year, the Student Council chose to focus on the joining of . . .
New Content under "Forms" section
The school sports physical form can also be printed and taken to your doctor's office when getting sports physicals. We need all four (4) pages returned to the school . . .
Friend App
There is an app available for both Android and Apple users, go to your store and search for Friend Public School. This will allow you to see the calendar, lunch menu, links to Powerschool, and the social media sites for the . . .