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Pink Bandana Scholarship

Deadline: April 1, 2025

Pink Bandana is grateful to our generous sponsors who have allowed us to offer a college scholarship to students in our Nebraska communities that have been affected by breast cancer. The scholarship was established to recognize outstanding students and assist them in continuing their education. 


This scholarship is awarded yearly, payable in $1,000 increments for a 4-year college or in $2,000 increments for a 2-year college (not to exceed a total of $4,000), and is contingent upon the verification of maintaining full-time enrollment.


Eligibility Requirements: 
  • Applicant must be a senior at a Nebraska high school. 

  • Applicant must be planning to enroll in a 2-year or 4-year college for the 2025-2026 academic year. 

  • Applicant must be a student who has been diagnosed with breast cancer, or a student who has a parent or legal guardian that has been diagnosed with breast cancer within the past 5 years. 

  • Applicant must complete the online application by April 1, 2025. 
